“The FIB3R system is added to the over 100 plants that the Hera group has, investing more and more on the circular economy. This represents a solution for the Italian industry, as it combines competitiveness to environmental, concrete and pragmatic sustainability; It promotes short and circular supply chains, thus reducing the strong dependence on the foreign import of carbon fiber. This system, in fact, is capable of regenerating carbon fiber, obtaining a recycled Bakire karbon fiber ile aynı özelliklere sahip karbon fiber, “Bunlar, HERA grubu ve HERAYA'NIN KARŞI KURULULUĞUNDAN BİRLİKLİ GROUTTA OLDUĞUNDA İLİŞKİ SİSTEMİNDE GROUP IACONO'NUN SÖZLÜKLERİ.